First Common Criteria security approval for Brazilian smart card product

09.02.17 08:48 AM By Brightsight

Delft, 9th of February: Brightsight is proud to announce that the first Common Criteria (CC) certificate for a Brazilian smart card product is issued, based on a Brightsight report.  CEITEC developed an E-passport for the Brazilian government, which got certified by the Norwegian scheme SERTIT. It was the first time for CEITEC that they went through a CC security evaluation process. Brightsight is specialized in accompanying companies through full CC evaluations due to Brightsight’s years of experience. They demonstrated that with proper knowledge and guidance new developers can successfully perform CC evaluations. The E-passport is the first Brazilian smart card product that ever got CC certified. It’s also for Brightsight the first time that their report was the basis of a certified product in South America. This certification of the Brazilian passport shows that Brightsight is not geographically limited. Therefore Brightsight offers their services all across the globe. Brightsight is accredited by five different CC schemes: NSCIB (the Netherlands), BSI (Germany), SERTIT (Norway), JISEC (Japan) and TSE (Turkey). This provides Brightsight’s customers with choice and increasing the CC certification capacity available. Brightsight maintains good relationships with the schemes in order to explain the level of assurance gained during evaluations. 
Read CEITEC's press release here.
