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  • ISA/IEC 62443 Evaluation and Certification services


Demonstrate compliance and manage industrial cybersecurity risks with ISA/IEC 62443 evaluation and certification services from SGS Brightsight.     

Industrial companies can be hacked. Organizations using IT products in their infrastructure need to ensure that they adhere to security and risk management requirements. The Internet of Things (IoT) has increased the risk of hackers using IoT products as a steppingstone to hack company infrastructure.


The Global Standard for the Security of Industrial Control System Networks (IEC) 62443 Security addresses the need of cybersecurity measures in Industrial Automation Control Systems (IACS). It aims to protect organizations against cyberattacks and minimize potential risks associated with digital threats in industrial systems. The ISA/IEC 62443 standard enables you to organize your security management and understand the security quality of IoT products.


From automotive, medical technology and industrial IoT smart grid to oil and gas applications, our ISA/IEC 62443  and certification services enable you to demonstrate compliance and due diligence, and manage cybersecurity risks. and certification services enable you to demonstrate compliance and due diligence, and manage cybersecurity risks.

Why choose ISA/IEC 62443 evaluation and certification services from SGS?

Our ISA/IEC 62443 evaluation and  services enable you to confirm compliance with the standard for devices, systems and processes. Our ISA/IEC 62443 accredited testing lab performs security tests. As a Notified Body we are authorized to directly issue certificates. services enable you to confirm compliance with the standard for devices, systems and processes. Our ISA/IEC 62443 accredited testing lab performs security tests. As a Notified Body we are authorized to directly issue certificates.


Our ISA/IEC 62443 services include:

  • Training and workshops Training and workshops
  • Pre-evaluation and pre-testing Pre-evaluation and pre-testing
  • Evidence readiness and document support Evidence readiness and document support
  • Post-evaluation for re-certification and certification health checking


We provide ISA/IEC 62443 Evaluation and Certification for:

  • Installation & Maintenance: ISA/IEC 62443-2-4 
  • System security requirements and levels: ISA/IEC 62443-3-3 
  • Security levels for zones conduits: ISA/IEC 62443-4-2
  • Security Technologies for IACS: ISA/IEC 62443-4-1


To discuss your ISA/IEC 62443 evaluation and certification requirements, contact us today.