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  • Security evaluation

SGS Brightsighthas over 35 years of experience in security evaluations of a wide range of IT products, including: 
    • Integrated circuits and smart cards
    • Payment terminals
    • Mobile payment solutions, including HCE, TEE, eSE, CDCVM, mPOS and SPoC
    • HSMs
    • System on chips
    • IoT solutions, including platforms HW/SW, smart grid & meters, consumer & medical devices
    • Telecommunication & network devices
    • IT equipment
    • Embedded systems
    • Automotive, including gateways, HSMs, ECUs, back-end systems and infotainment
    • Biometric solutions

We evaluate these products against requirements set by governmental and private certification bodies (schemes). Our security evaluation results are presented in a detailed evaluation report. The scheme uses our report to issue a product certificate stating that your product complies with the security requirements. Our high-quality combined with our reputation result in fast turnaround times with the schemes. 
The largest independent security evaluation lab in the world
SGS Brightsight is recognised by most important international schemes such as EMVCo, SESIP, Common Criteria (CC), PSA Certified, MasterCard, PCI, Visa and American Express, as well as various nation-specific certification schemes. With eight CC schemes, SGS Brightsight holds the largest number of CC recognitions worldwide. Find here our comprehensive list of schemes recognitions.

Get multiple certifications with minimal additional costs
With the largest evaluation capacity in the world, SGS Brightsight completes more than 500 security projects a year from over 100 customers worldwide.

Our distinctive approach to evaluation emphasises close collaboration during the evaluation process, which already begins in your development phase. This enables us to take your security needs into account. We also provide the quickest and most efficient way towards product certification. With our extensive experience, we can offer you a proven and pragmatic approach to certification. 

Why security evaluations?

  • Independent third-party evaluations deliver validation beyond the “trust me” claim
  • Certifications provides a path for validating security claims against evaluation requirements
  • Evaluations add a layer of assurance by introducing the certification body as the authority that validates the report from the security evaluation laboratory as part of the chain of trust