Blog tagged as PSA Certified

Bright Insight Podcast - S01 E03 - PSA Certified

25.03.21 02:41 PM By Brightsight - Comment(s)
In this episode, we're discussing perspectives on the PSA Certified Security Report 2021 "Bridging the Gap"

PSA Certified is now available through SESIP Evaluation Methodology

11.02.21 12:05 PM By Brightsight - Comment(s)
PSA Certified is now available through SESIP Evaluation Methodology
The PSA Certified Level 3 SESIP profile allows developers to perform security evaluations for the PSA-RoT as defined by the JSA PSA, using SESIP evaluation methodology.

Brightsight lead partner of PSA Certified

25.02.19 10:16 AM By Brightsight - Comment(s)

Delft, 25 February 2019. Brightsight is proud to announce that we are a lead partner of Arm while setting up Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Certified. PSA Certified is an IoT security evaluation scheme initiated by Arm to support customers in implementing the level of security they need for th...